
How to Play HD Games Not Lag on Android

How to Play HD Games Not Lag on Android - Playing HD games on Android with low / minimal specs is normal because HD games require high Android specs, the game will falter and not run smoothly when forced.  Well, if you play high-definition Android HD games, you can lag Buesar's question mark. When you play HD games on Android with high specs but still lag and not smooth, of course there are reasons for this, among others, too much software is installed and the software runs in the background of the process (the process is invisible) so it consumes a lot of RAM.  To overcome this, the non-essential software needs to be able to sleep with greenify software (Root requirements). Read in the article How to relieve RAM easily.  with root it is certainly confusing for those who don't know root.  the tips that the author will teach in this article are tips without root.  Here's   How to Play HD Android Games Not Lag Too high the cell spec can also cause lag, the processor is